Bumper Stickers
We all know that Murray River Retrievers are the best dogs.
Now you can let everyone travelling behind you in the car in on the secret!
Stickers are $2.50 each
Postage is $1.50 per order
Click on the link below to be taken to the order form. Select your order quantity and choose the design you prefer. Click on add to Cart.
Your cart will drop down from the top of the page, but if you miss it - it sits at the top of page next to the login (logout) button
Payment methods are:
- Credit or Debit Card (Member Jungle) this incurs a small additional fee for using a card
- Direct Deposit from your bank account to ours. No additional fee applies.
Please Note: Your order will only be posted occur once we have received payment, so if you choose Direct deposit, please pay promptly. The bank details will show on the invoice that you receive in your email.